2003 Diabetes Initiative Grantee Meetings
July 2003: First Annual RWJF Diabetes Initiative Meeting
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative held its first Annual Meeting in Keystone, CO July 30 - August 1, 2003. A Building Community Supports for Diabetes Care program specific meeting took place on July 29th, just prior to the opening of the Annual Meeting. In attendance at the Annual Meeting were the Diabetes Initiative Grantees for both the Advancing Diabetes Self Management and the Building Community Supports for Diabetes Care programs, the National Program Office Staff, the National Advisory Committee, the RWJF Program Staff, and Invited Experts. Titled Self Management: Keystone to Quality Diabetes Care , the meeting objectives were to provide an overall forum for collaboration and networking among grantees, provide updates on best practices in diabetes and diabetes self management, provide an overview of the Diabetes Initiative evaluation plans, and discuss next steps and future direction of the Diabetes Initiative Phase II.
Download Agenda | Wylie-Rosett Presentation | Brownson Presentation
December 2003: Collaborative Learning Network
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation held its second Collaborative Learning Network (CLN) Meeting in St. Louis, MO on December 10th and 11th, 2003. In attendance at the CLN Meeting were the Diabetes Initiative Grantees for both the Advancing Diabetes Self Management and the Building Community Supports for Diabetes Care programs, the National Program Office Staff, a member of the National Advisory Committee, a member of the RWJF Program Staff, and Invited Experts in the field. The overall purpose of this meeting was to: Discuss a plan for future CLN meetings; Discuss the upcoming Phase II Call for Proposals; Provide information on key skills in promoting and teaching self management; Provide training on improvement cycles; and To allow for ample grantee workgroup time.
Download Agenda | Fisher Presentation | Richardson Presentation